Acupuncture, an ancient healing for a modern world
Acupuncture is a safe, effective and drug-free option for the treatment of most non-emergency conditions.
Recent scientific medical research is only beginning to unravel the biochemical pathways which acupuncture employs. The World Health Organisation of the United Nations currently lists 47 different illnesses that may be effectively treated with acupuncture. Some treatable conditions include: migraines, asthma, bursitis, tendonitis, menstrual pain, trigeminal neuralgia, stroke rehabilitation, back pain/sciatica, arthritic pain and sports injuries. In addition to hormonal conditions, fertility, IVF and pregnancy support.
Contact Uby Munoz
Conveniently located near many major train and bus routes.
My address is:
Via Laietana 45, 3 -1
Barcelona, España 08002
(+34) 622 720 49
Is an acupuncturist that founded the Barcelona Well Woman Center, located in Central Barcelona,
closed to Plaza Catalunya, Urquinaona and Plaza Tetuan, in an area well served by public transport,
Metro lines 4,1 and 2.
She speaks fluent English, Spanish and Portugues.
Trained in the UK in the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine, worked as an instructor at the School of Five Elements Acupuncture and London College of Traditional Acupuncture in the UK.
Her areas of expertise today are:
IVF support,
Pain Management and
IBS (Digestive Disorders)
Opening Times
Day | Hours |
Monday | 09:00 - 20:00 |
Tuesday | 09:00 - 20:00 |
Wednesday | 09:00 - 20:00 |
Thursday | 09:00 - 20:00 |
Friday | 09:00 - 20:00 |
Saturday | Closed - IVF Support by Appointment |
Sunday | Closed - IVF Support by Appointment |